Creativity & Madness Vacation
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This was a learning vacation!
Two friends, Sonya (from Las Vegas, NV) & Geo (from Orlando, FL), went to Santa Fe, NM durng late July and early August for a "Creativity & Madness" conference. Here are some images.

We participated in a "Healing the Self Through Self Portraits" Workshop facilatated by award-winning Santa Fe artist, Amy Stein.


Sonya holds her Self-Potrait

Geo holds his drawing

We Attended La Traviata at the Santa Fe Opera
Before the Opera at our Motel

I didn't know they had Opera "Tailgate" parties

Geo at the Georgia O'Keeffe Musuem

Santa Fe is home to the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum

One of the presentations we attended was on O'Keeffe's life and work.

House near the museum

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