
What is depression?
Depression is a common mood disturbance. It has been estimated that serious depression affects one person in five at some point during their lives.

A common feature of depression is feeling bad physically even though there is no organic cause. Some typical physical aliments which a depressed person can experience are such symptoms as chronic fatigue, headaches, backaches, digestive problems, sleeping too much or sleeping too little.

There are various degrees of depression. Sadness can occur as a result of  losing or breaking an inexpensive object, an ending relationship, or the loss of a loved one. Ups and down are a part of life. Usually we feel better after an acceptable period of time, as our mood lifts naturally.  But feelings of depression are unacceptable when they are severe, are accompanied by thoughts of suicide, interfere with the ability to work or enjoy relationships, or the depression is not going away.

Common symptoms of depression

  • Sad, depressed mood
  • Loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities
  • Difficulties in sleeping (insomnia); not falling asleep initially, not returning to sleep after awakening in the middle of the night, and early morning awakenings; or, in some patients, a desire to sleep a great deal of the time
  • Shift in activity level, becoming either lethargic (psychomotor retardation) or agitated
  • Poor appetite and weight loss, or increased appetite and weight gain
  • Loss of energy, great fatigue
  • Negative self-concept; self-reproach and self-blame; feelings of worthlessness and guilt
  • Complaints or evidence of difficulty in concentrating, such as slowed thinking and indecisiveness
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

  • Who depression affects
    Depression can affect people of all walks of life and at any age. People who are rich or poor, successful or not, suffer from the potentially devastating effects of depression.

    What causes depression?
    All the exact causes of depression are not known. Various factors can play critical roles in this illness, including

    Depression can be treated successfully! Treatment of this illness can include: How does one know when to seek professional help for depression? Everyone experiences some of the above symptoms at some times in their life. When someone experiences any of these symptoms or a combination of these symptoms for an extended period of time, or when symptoms are severe, it is time to get professional help.

    Depression is a very treatable illness. Please seek help if you suspect you have depression. You deserve to be happy!

    For emergency services or for referral to any of our services, please call or visit the Access Center

    Accredited by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)